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    May 15

    Pinyin dot filed advantage

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    May 15

    Pinyin dotmoer composition

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    May 15

    What is pinyin doter

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    May 10

    The latest alarm clock

    The alarm inventor is an Indian teenager named Sankalp Sinha. In order to prevent the alarm button from pressing the alarm button, he tried to set the electric shock device on the alarm button. Compared with Pikachu of 100,000 volts, this alarm clock is simply weak. The shock it released will only make your fingers slightly numb.SANKALP hopes that this alarm clock named "Good morning, singing and electric shock" can make more people use it in daily life as soon as possible. He said that he used this alarm clock and was no longer afraid of sleeping too much. Because according to his own experience, people can really wake up only after being shocked. He has made a prototype and is committed to studying the alarm clock that can adjust the voltage, and can enter production shortly after negotiating with the manufacturer.

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    May 10

    Quartz alarm clock

    The quartz alarm clock can also be called "crystal vibration electronic meter" because it uses the "hair vibration phenomenon" of the chip. When the crystal receives an external force voltage, it will have the properties of deformation and telescopic. On the contrary, if the crystals are compressed, the ends of the crystal will generate electricity; this kind of nature can also be seen on many crystals, which is called "voltage electricity. Effect". The quartz watch is the crystal that uses cyclical continuous "hair vibrations" to bring us accurate time.First of all, if the chip in the quartz table is powered, the crystal will be vibrated correctly with the number of weeks of 32768 Hertz; and then the number of signal current weeks of the signal current of 1Hz (one -second change between the current) must be turned into 1Hz. Add the amplitude of some signals (the current generated due to vibration is weak), followed by some signal current to launch the rotor gear, the second hand on th

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    May 10

    Alarm clock component

    ① Play: It consists of a hammer, swing rod, hanging device, and cyclical adjustment device. Used in a fixed clock. After the hammer is dereated from the lead vertical line (balanced position) at any angle under the action of external forces, under the action of gravity, the hammer will be moved around the campaign. The vibration process is a process of switching energy and bit energy.② Twisted swing: It is mainly composed of panels and hanging wires. The lower end of the hanging wire is fixed, and the upper end is fixed on an unmoved fulcrum. The section of the hanging wire can be rectangular or round. Twisting and retreating agency or fork tile escaped agency constitutes the escapement speed system. The reversal has a long vibration cycle (a few seconds to tens of seconds), which is mostly used for a fixed clock with a long time for energy than saving.③ Vibration system of swimming wire: The inside and inside of the scarf are fixed on the shaft and the splint, respectively. When the s

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    May 09

    Mechanical alarm work principle

    In the mechanical watch, the energy of the energy released by restoring the deformation is used to restore the deformation of the deformation, or the mechanical vibration system is used as the time benchmark to realize the mechanical mechanism of the measurement time and time. There are many types of mechanical clock institutions, but they are generally composed of the original movement system, transmission system, escapement speed regulation system, upper acupuncture system and pointer system. The working principle is basically the same. In addition, the calendar watch also includes calendar (or dual calendar) institutions, and automatic watches also include automatic upper -bar institutions.The original movement of the original movement and transmission of working energy. It is divided into two types: heavy hammer original movement system and spring original movement system.The original motion of the hammer uses the gravity of the heavy hammer for energy. Mostly used for simple hangi

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    May 09

    Mechanical alarm clock

    The mechanical alarm clock is a storage energy for storage, which is a kind of high manganese steel material. After many levels of gear gears increase the angle speed, pay attention to the tooth shape is not a gradual opening, it is to reduce the friction, suitable for high efficiency transmission under small torque; After the escapement agency of the reciprocating swinging, a regular requirement of a structure with an inherent cycle of vibration is the speed of the constant angle; The impact is relatively small.The quartz clock uses quartz crystals to generate basic oscillations, driving the pointer group by stepping on the motor to drive the gear set.

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    May 09

    Alarm selection

    (1) Check the appearance first: the color of the bell shell is bright and uniform, without paint, color change and rubbing marks. The clock surface should be cleaned, the scale is uniform, and the handwriting should be clear.(2) Check the sensitivity: Start a little bit, and the second hand starts to move around to prove that the sensitivity is high. The bell with high sensitivity continues the time for a long time.(3) Check the sound of the time: Place the bell, left, back, back and down, and if you walk all directions in all directions, the sound is in line with the same sound and uniform noise, which means that the walking is normal.(4) Check whether you touch the needle: Dipping the time, the minute hand, so that the time, the minute hand and the second needle coincide (the three needles overlap), and a certain gap should be maintained between the three needles, and it is not allowed to be rubbed. At the same time, there should be a proper gap between needles and clock noodles and

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